Now Playing:Ultimatum
Episode Seven concluded with:
Angie Brighton stood up
at the piano whose keys she had just pounded. She shot an intimidating look at
the woman with the shrill voice, who immediately sat down. Angie then glared at
the rest of the congregation. “It’s bad enough you are all behaving like despicable
cowards! But you expect our pastor to crawl like a worm too. Reverend Nate owes
us nothing but to proclaim the truth. And he just did tell you the truth as he
spoke the truth to Akando this morning. It is the truth that will set us free,
not a lot of sniveling nonsense.”
A quiet fell over the church. Reverend Nate looked at the pianist. His smile
was one of gratitude.
He turned back to the congregation. “I think we’re ready to pray now.”
Episode Eight
After the service was over, people
remained at the church, clustering together in groups. Many went outside to
gaze upward at the Indians who made a terrifying silhouette against a moonlit
Rance Dehner and Bret Carson
remained inside where they huddled in a corner with Reverend Nate. “I’m glad
you’re here, Rance,” the pastor said. “The Lord has brought you to our town to
help in this moment of crisis.”
“If that’s true, you may not be very
happy with the Lord,” Dehner replied. “I need your help tonight.”
The pastor didn’t hesitate. “What
can I do?”
“I need to spy on some Indians. Meet
me in about an hour at the marshall’s office.”
Nate’s face turned grim but he
nodded his head. As Dehner began to leave the church along with Bret Carson, he
noticed that the grim expression soon vanished from Reverend Nate’s
countenance. The pastor was approached by Angie Brighton.
“Reverend Nate, I apologize for my
outburst. I’m afraid I lost my temper.”
“No apology is necessary, Miss
Brighton, you…”
As he stepped outside the church,
Dehner could no longer hear the conversation. He smiled inwardly and reckoned
it was none of his business anyway.
Marshall Bret Carson put his hand down after
swearing in two part time deputies. His face reflected worry. “This is a dangerous
plan, and your notion may be wrong, Rance. Maybe I should ride along.”
Dehner shook his head. “Hardin is a
town on edge. You can’t leave the place to Rip Gowdy. You’ve said yourself that
he often falls down on the job.”
Dehner was right, but the marshall
hated to admit it. After a few moments of silence, Carson shrugged his
shoulders and sighed. “Be careful. Especially you, Rance. You haven’t had much
experience dealing with Indians.”
“Not so, Marshall. I once spied on a
band of Apaches who were planning to attack a Cavalry regiment.” Dehner gave
the Marshall a two finger salute as he and Reverend Nate left the office.
Outside, the detective and the
preacher began to untie their horses from the hitch rail. “I didn’t know you
outsmarted a band of Apaches, Rance.”
“Didn’t say I outsmarted them,”
Rance spoke in a low, conspiratorial voice.
“They caught me. Good thing the Cavalry regiment was near by.”
Tomorrow: Episode Nine of Ultimatum