Monday, February 6, 2012

Now Playing: The Darkness
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Episode Thirteen of The Darkness

Episode Twelve concluded with:

              “After Jesse was stabbed, he attempted revenge. He grabbed the letter opener and used it as a weapon against his uncle, but he died before he could complete the task. A wounded Adrian pocketed the opener and staggered out of the house before Bart made it downstairs.”
            “He forgot about the safe where Jesse kept his winnings. No doubt, he planned to kill Wyatt Cummings and then leave this area for good.” 
            Both men went silent, contemplating the grotesque events which had almost led to the hanging of an innocent man. Bertram Lowrie looked down at the corpse of Adrian Monahan. “There is a darkness in the human soul which is far more terrifying than any ancient superstition.”

Episode Thirteen


            Bart McRae placed a large sack of flour on the back of a buckboard and looked sheepishly at the two detectives who had helped him load the wagon. “I sure do appreciate all that you gents have done for me.”
            “Thank the folks at the bank,” Dehner said. “It was their idea for you to work that deserted ranch and eventually own it.”
            “Yeah, but you fellas loaned me the money for a buckboard and supplies. I plan to pay you back. I’ll send the money to your office in Dallas.”
            “And you must immediately send a letter to your mother in Dallas. She is quite concerned about you,” there was a touch of admonition in Lowrie’s command.
            “Yes sir, I’ll do that!”
            McRae said good-by to the two detectives and watched as they walked toward the train station. He boarded the wagon but didn’t head immediately for the ranch. There was an important stop he had to make first.
            Pulling up in front of the Monahan Residence, McRae jumped from the buckboard and walked swiftly toward the house. He paused at the entrance and then opened the door, making as little noise as possible.
            He stepped quietly down the hallway and entered the study. There was still some dried blood on the carpet, which didn’t surprise him. The black cat sleeping in the chair didn’t surprise him either.
            “Thought I’d find you here,” McRae said in a soft voice. “I’ve got a deal to make with you.”
            He began to pet the cat. “I’ve always been superstitious. Would you believe I let an old man with red ink running down his face convince me he was a ghost?”
            The cat meowed.
            “The Good Book says a lot about not being taken in by crazy stuff; guess I haven’t read that part enough.”
            The cat turned its head, indicating it wanted its ears scratched.
            Bart obliged. “So, I want you to help me. I got this little ranch. Reckon you could keep the place free of rodents? As pay, I’ll let you sleep inside. On rainy days you can stay inside all you want.”
            McRae picked the animal up. The cat was tense but didn’t try to jump away. “I’m gonna name you ‘Black Cat’. Not very original, but it will help me end my silly superstitions.”
            Bart McRae walked back to the buckboard carrying Black Cat, who began to purr in his arms.

Tomorrow: Rance Dehner returns in a thrilling western adventure, Last Job.
Don’t Miss It!