Now Playing:Ultimatum
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Episode Nine concluded with:
The newcomer was easy
to follow. He obviously didn’t care if the hoofbeats of his horse were loud.
Dehner and Reverend Nate rode quietly up the hill behind him. When the
hoofbeats stopped, the two men dismounted, tied up their horses, and began to
proceed on foot. There were enough trees to provide both good cover and an
array of twigs on the ground which, if stepped on, could snap and betray their
Both men stopped and hid behind two separate trees as they got in range of a
loud voice. The person talking was obviously not Akando and was obviously
angry. “I don’t give a hoot ‘bout no big plans. A deal is a deal and ya
better do what ya said ya was gonna do, injun!”
Episode Ten
did not shout. His words couldn’t be heard. But Dehner guessed from the tone of
his voice that Akando was trying to appease the angry white man. The loud voice
again sounded, “Ya better git to it, quick!”
Again, loud hoofbeats sounded on the
hill. Dehner and Reverend Nate both made sure their cover shielded them from
the rider. But the caution wasn’t necessary. The rider didn’t look around. He
didn’t look back either. The man was apparently confident that no Indians would
come after him in retaliation for his angry words.
The man, whoever he was, held power
over Akando and his bunch. Dehner wondered what it might be, but he didn’t have
time to give it much thought. Reverend Nate signaled with his hands that he was
going to move in closer to the Indians at the top of the hill. Rance nodded and
pulled out his Colt .45, indicating he was ready in case there was trouble.
Nate advanced stealthily up the hill,
vanishing into the shadows of the trees. When he returned about fifteen minutes
later, Dehner could tell his friend was excited. Once again, hoofbeats could be
heard on the hill; this time they came from the other side. And this time they
were quiet. The people in Hardin would not be able to hear them.
Nate signaled for Dehner to follow
him. They returned to their horses, mounted and rode down the hill. When they
reached the bottom, the pastor quickly explained what had happened. “Akando has ordered five of his braves to a
nearby house. They are being led by Sahale.”
“Know anything about Sahale?”
Reverend Nate grimaced. “He was
violent and dangerous as a boy. He has become even worse with manhood.”
“Why are they going to this house?”
“Don’t know. Couldn’t hear that
well. But I could tell from the tone of their voices that it is no social call.
I know the direction they are heading. We’d better follow them.”
The two men began to trail the
Indians, wondering about the strange visitor whose demands Akando seemed
willing to appease.
Tomorrow: Episode Eleven of Ultimatum