Now Playing: Save the Girl!
Episode Sixteen concluded with:
Dehner now recognized the theater manager he had
questioned in Dallas. “Making your way up the ladder of success! You’re right
out of a Horatio Alger novel, Harry.”
“Huh?” Harry replied.
Philip Richardson chuckled as he looked down at
his prisoner. “The man has a wonderful sense of humor! I’m sure that we are in
store for a delightful few hours with Mr. Dehner. Delightful indeed!” He turned
his head. “Jerri Mae, please hold the light while we secure Mr. Dehner’s hands
and feet.”
The woman took the kerosene lamp and bent over
Dehner as the two men retrieved the ropes. “I’m sorry.” Her voice was both a
whisper and a sob. “You’ve got to understand. Philip Richardson owns this town.
He told me to be on the look out for you, and to set up this trap…I’m sorry.”
Dehner tried to think of something funny to say
in order to buttress his standing as a wit. He was working on it when the
yellow light vanished and darkness overwhelmed him.
Episode Seventeen
Mae Swanson carefully guided the buggy toward the small cabin. Richardson had
given her a map to the place, but warned that the road became very rocky.
Richardson had told her not to start out until sunrise, but she had departed
Alcott the moment there was decent light. She needed to get to Rance Dehner
while he still had enough strength left to fight.
again, the woman asked herself why she was doing this. Helping the detective
meant she would have to leave town and go…where? She didn’t know, but she knew
she had to help a good man who wanted to rescue an innocent girl from a
horrible life: a life like the one she was living.
course, she shouldn’t have gone along with Richardson’s plan to trap the
detective in the first place. If she had warned Dehner when she first
encountered him, he wouldn’t be in this mess.
that’s the story of my life,” she said to herself as the buggy drew near the
cabin. “Always doin’ the right thing too late.”
pulled up, grabbed the large basket she had brought with her and hurried for
the cabin. Richardson’s voice boomed from inside:
Dehner, I appreciate the moral dilemma I’ve placed you in. A detective isn’t
supposed to divulge the name of his client. I do admire your professional
ethics. But, you see, this client of yours could pose a threat to my entire
operation. A business man can’t be indifferent when it comes to opposition.
Therefore, I must ask you again for that name.”
Mae stopped and listened carefully. She could hear Dehner’s voice, but not what
he was saying. She did hear Richardson’s reply: “Very well. Harry, continue
your efforts to persuade Mr. Dehner, as to the wisdom of cooperating with us.”
sound of flesh hitting flesh mixed with Harry’s laugh. The woman stepped
quickly into the cabin.
Episode Eighteen of Save the Girl!